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Welcome to S-Filer Portal

S-Filer Portal is a complete, robust, Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing (EFSS) and Managed File Transfer (MFT) solution designed to facilitate and secure all your information movement requirements including automated system to system file transfers, community based collaboration and person to person document sharing through synchronized folders.

What is S-Filer Portal

S-Filer Portal is a complete, robust, Enterprise File Synchronization and Sharing (EFSS) and Managed File Transfer (MFT) solution designed to facilitate and secure all your information movement requirements including automated system to system file transfers, community based collaboration and person to person document sharing through synchronized folders.

S-Filer Portal is a dynamic, interactive solution that can be tailored to meet your specific file transfer and sharing requirements. Documents can be easily exchanged through a browser-based interface, a multi-platform command-line interface, a Windows application, synchronised folders under "My Documents" as well as from mobile devices using secure standard protocols such as FTPS, SFTP, HTTPS.

S-Filer Portal combines ease of use for end users with corporate policy enforcement. "Communities" offer corporate teams and partners a robust, controlled managed file transfer and file sharing environment while "Shares" are designed for professionals who dynamically create self-administered collaboration and sharing spaces with their clients or partners. A lightweight, "ad hoc" mode allows for easy and fast infrequent transfers.

S-Filer Portal takes advantage of multiple sources such as Active Directory (AD), LDAP directories and databases for authenticating and managing corporate and external users. When AD is used for authentication, single sign-on can be provided to corporate users.

Beyond simple file synchronization and sharing, S-Filer Portal includes powerful extensions and API's providing full business process integration such as event driven processing, automation and anti-virus scanning.

S-Filer Portal is an enterprise grade solution built on a strong security backbone offering a familiar end user experience. Documents and files are fully encrypted in motion and at rest in all collaboration modes.