Objects and Database Tables
Data Tables
While you have to manually map the data between the Data sources and the staging tables, the process to copy the data from the staging tables to the repository is carried out automatically. Although you will mainly be working with the staging tables at first, it might be useful to know where the data goes in case you want to view the internal tables.
The main tables in the RAC/M Identity and access repository that correspond to the “_Import” tables desctibed above are:
- Identification (Identity_Import)
- Structural (Structural_Import)
- Application_Account (Application_Account_Import)
- Profile (Profile_Hierachy_Import)
The following is a description of the main tables that correspond to the staging tables.
The Identification table
The Identification table is the table into which all of the data from the Identity_Import table is loaded.
Data is imported into this table using the IdentificationCopy module (see Configuring a Module).
RAC/M Identity enables you to normalize and enhance data to increase matching performance by using primitives such as the ModulePermutation primitive used in the NormalizerIdentification module.
When importing identities into the Identification table, the first and last names will be copied into the Normalize_Identification table, where any special character will be removed and up to 4 permutations of the full name will be created. Thus, a person whose full name is “André Gagné-Lajoie” would also be saved as “Andre Gagne”, “Andre Lajoie”, and “Andre Lajoie-Gagne”. This means that if any of the identities created in an identity source uses one of the alternate spellings, RAC/M will still be able to match the identity to the person.
The main attributes are listed in the table below. The most important ones are in bold. In most cases, the attributes in the Identification table correspond exactly to the attributes in the Identity_Import table.
Attributes | Identity_Import Table Correspondence | Description |
Identification_ID | This is an incremental number automatically generated by RAC/M to identify the identities. | |
First_Name | First_Name | The first name of the identity. |
Last_Name | Last_Name | The last name of the identity. |
The email of the identity. | ||
Employee_ID | Employee_ID | The employee id of the identity. |
Jobs_ID | HR_Jobs_ID | This is a key that links to the Jobs table, which contains all of the organization’s jobs (for example, administrator, secretary, doctor, student, etc.). |
Employment_Status_ID | HR_Empl_Status_ID | This is a key that links to the Employment_Status table, which contains all of the organization’s employment statuses (for example, active, retired, sick leave, etc.). |
Employment_Type_ID | HR_Empl_Type_ID | This is a key that links to the Employment_Type table, which contains all of the organization’s employment types (for example, permanent, contractor, intern, etc.). |
Termination_Date | Termination_Date_Str | The termination date when this identity will be flagged as inactive. |
HR_Supervisor_Employee_ID | HR_Supervisor_Employee_ID | The supervisor id of this identity. |
Reviewer_ID | This links to another identity and is used in review campaigns to determine who will review this identity. | |
Department_ID | HR_Department_ID | This is a key that links to the Structural table. It retrieves the primary key number lined to the HR_Department_ID attribute. |
HR_Department_ID | HR_Department_ID | This is a key that links to the Structural table. It retrieves the value located in the HR_Department_ID attribute. |
Organization_ID | HR_Organisation_ID | This is a key that links to the Structural table. It retrieves the primary key number lined to the HR_ Organisation_ID attribute. |
HR_Organization_ID | HR_Organisation_ID | This is a key that links to the Structural table. It retrieves the value located in the HR_ Organisation_ID attribute. |
Work_Location_ID | HR_Work_Location_ID | This is a key that links to the Structural table. It indicates all of your organization’s work locations. |
File_Source_ID | HR_File_Source_ID | This is a key that links to the File_Source table. It enables you to identify all of the different identity sources used to create identities. |
Birth_Date | Birth_Date_Str | The birth date of the identity’s associated person. |
The Structural table
The Structural table is the table into which all of the data from the Structural_Import table is loaded.
Data is imported into this table using the StructuralCopy module (see Configuring a Module).
The main attributes are listed in the table below. The most important ones are in bold. In most cases, the attributes in the Structural table correspond exactly to the attributes in the Structural_Import table.
Attributes | Structural_Import Table Correspondence | Description |
Structural_ID | This is an incremental number automatically generated by RAC/M to identify the structural elements. | |
HR_Structural_ID | Structural_Import_ID | The ID of the structural element. |
Name | Name | The name of the structural element. |
Organisation_Type_ID | Org_Type | The type of structural element, an organization or department. |
HR_Manager_ID | HR_Manager_ID | The ID of the manager responsible for this structural element. |
HR_Manager_Name | HR_Manager_Name | The full name of the manager. |
Work_Location_ID | HR_Work_Location_ID | The ID of the work location. |
The Application_Account table
The Application_Account table is the table into which all of the data from the Application_Account_Import table is imported.
Data is imported into this table using the ApplicationAccount module (see Configuring a Module).
The main attributes are listed in the table below. The most important ones are in bold. In most cases, the attributes in the Application_Account table correspond exactly to the attributes in the Application_Account_Import table.
Attributes | Application_Account_Import Table Corresponden | Description |
Application_Account_ID | This is an incremental number automatically generated by RAC/M to identify the accounts. | |
Application_ID | Application_Name | The ID of the application which is derived from the name of the application in the import data. |
Account_Name | Account_Name | The name of the application account |
Status_ID | Status | The status ID of the application account derived from the status of the import data. |
Identifier 1 & 2 | Identifier 1 & 2 | Custom identifiers that may be used to complement the standard fields. |
HR_File_Source_ID | HR_File_Source_ID | The ID of the file source which was the origin of this import data. |
Expiration_Date | Expiration_Date_Str | The expiration date of the application account |
Password | Password | The password associated to this application account. |
Password_Exp_Date | Password_Exp_Date | The expiration date of this password |
The Profile table
The Profile table is the table into which all of the data from the Profile_Import table is loaded.
Data is loaded into this table using the Profile module (see Configuring a Module).
The main attributes are listed in the table below. The most important ones are in bold. In most cases, the attributes in the Profile table correspond exactly to the attributes in the Profile_Import table.
Attributes | Structural_Import Table Correspondence | Description |
Profile_ID | This is an incremental number automatically generated by RAC/M to identify the structural elements. | |
Profile_Name | Profile_Name | The profile name refers to group names in the imported data. |
Profil_Description | Description | The profile description |
Application_ID | Ext_Application_Import_ID | The application import ID is mapped to the application ID. |
Ext_Profile_ID | Ext_Profile_ID | Profile ID |
Indicating Items to Be Removed
If you are using a PDF or an XLS document to review accesses, you will receive it by email from the person who launched the campaign. You can then print the document and indicate, by hand, the items that need to be removed. You can add any comment on an accompanying sheet. You can then return the printed report to the person who launched the campaign.
Configuration Tables
The SELF_SERVICE_QUESTION table is where the questions that can be used in the various self-service pages are configured.
The main attributes are listed in the table below. The most important ones are in bold.
Attributes | Description |
Order | The order in which questions are displayed (smallest first). |
Required | Whether the question is mandatory. |
Add_Question_In_Written_Request | If the question is used as part of a written request, this column indicates whether the question or only the answer is added to the written request. Here is an example with a question: 'My question: My answer' and an example with only the answer: 'My answer'. |
Type | The question type. Supported types are: SELECT, INPUT and TEXTAREA. See the section below. |
Page | The page in which the question is used. Supported pages are: TERMINATION_IDENTITY and TERMINATION_EXTERNAL_IDENTITY. |
Title_EN | The title of the question in English. |
Title_FR | The title of the question in French. |
Placeholder_EN | Placeholder to be used in English. Leave empty if you don't need any. |
Placeholder_FR | Placeholder to be used in French. Leave empty if you don't need any. |
Tooltip_EN | The tooltip to use in English. Leave empty if you don't need any. |
Tooltip_FR | The tooltip to use in French. Leave empty if you don't need any. |
Types of questions
Two question modes are supported: free text and multiple choice questions.
Free form mode
The two types that can be used for this mode are:
The difference between the two is only in the way they are displayed. The first one allows the use of line breaks, while the other is more often used for short-answer questions without line breaks.
Choice mode
The only type supported is SELECT. With this type, the user must choose an option among the provided choices. The available choices for the question are configured via the SELF_SERVICE_QUESTION_CHOICE table.
The SELF_SERVICE_QUESTION_CHOICE table is where the answer choices for the multiple choice questions are configured.
The main attributes are listed in the table below. The most important ones are in bold.
Attributes | Description |
Self_Service_Question_Id | The question identifier for this choice. |
Label_EN | The choice text in English |
Label_FR | The choice text in French |