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The PeopleSoft connectors allow data synchronization between PeopleSoft and RAC/M Identity.

Read connector


The PeopleSoft read connector is a Scripted SQL connector.

The PeopleSoft connector enables data transfer from PeopleSoft to RAC/M Identity by establishing a direct connection to the PeopleSoft database.


The PeopleSoft read connector was created for performance purposes. While the write connector can theoretically handle search operation, the queries are not efficient.


While the Scripted SQL Connector is capable of handling the modification requested by the ICF Server, it is not recommended. Changes to PeopleSoft should be made through a Component Interface (CI), which is the approach used by the Write connector.


The following parameters are required:

JDBC Connection URLThe JDBC connection URL to connect to the database, such as jdbc:oracle:thin:@//<url>:<port>/<dbName>
JDBC Driveroracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver
UserThe user for the connection.
User PasswordThe password for the connection.
Scripting Languagegroovy
Schema Script filenameThe file path to the schema script, such as ./ICF/reference-scripts/oracle-peoplesoft/SchemaOraclePeopleSoftHCM.groovy.
Search Script filenameThe file path to the search script, such as ./ICF/reference-scripts/oracle-peoplesoft/SearchOraclePeopleSoft.groovy.

Write connector


The PeopleSoft write connector is a Scripted API connector. Please refer to the Scripted API documentation for more details.

The PeopleSoft connector allows data synchronization between PeopleSoft and RAC/M Identity. To do this, the connector uses the Jolt server available on the PeopleSoft instance via Java libraries.

Like all scripts used by the Scripted API connector, this connector can be modified to meet specific requirements. You can refer to other reference scripts to see how scripts can be modified.


The following parameters are required for all Scripted API connectors:

Script PathPath to the Groovy script.
API URLThe URL of the Jolt Server to connect to.

For the JOLT server URL, this URL is composed of the IP and port separated by a colon. For the port, the value can be found in the configuration file /home/psadm2/psft/pt/<version>/appserv/APPDOM/psappsrv.cfg on the machine where PeopleSoft is installed. An example value is


The Jolt server might have handlers configured, if it is the case, make sure that the ports for the handlers are also accessible by the ICF server.

Additional parameters are also required for the PeopleSoft connector.


ConfigurationShould contain
Preferred Authentication Methodpassword
UsernameThe username used to connect to the API.
PasswordThe password used to connect to the API.
Secret Config 1The domain connection password for Jolt.

Autres particularités

ConfigurationShould contain
Thread Pool SizeThe number of threads to use (default: All available threads)

Addition of the Java libraries required for the connector to function properly

The following libraries are required for certain connector functions:

  • psjoa.jar
  • psft.jar

These two dependencies should be placed in the ICF server installation directory under [ICF server installation directory]/server/lib. For the ICF server local to RAC/M, these dependencies should be placed under [RAC/M installation directory]/ICF/server/lib.

psjoa.jar dependency

If you are not provided with this dependency, it is available on the machine where PeopleSoft is deployed under [PS_HOME]/class/psjoa.jar (For a demo instance, the full link is /opt/oracle/psft/pt/ps_home8.61.03/class/psjoa.jar).

psft.jar dependency

If this dependency is not supplied, it must be compiled. To compile it, follow these steps:

  • Open PeopleSoft's Application Designer (pside.exe) and connect to the PeopleSoft instance.


    Application Designer is available via PeopleTools. It can be downloaded from Oracle's eDelivery website.

    For Application Designer to start up correctly and be able to connect to the PeopleSoft instance, you need:

    • that an instance of Oracle Instant Client is installed and the %PATH% points to this installation. (If this is not the case, the following error may occur: “Missing or invalid version of SQL library PSORA64”).
    • that the file tnsnames.ora is available in the Oracle Instant Client installation directory (If this is not the case, the following error may occur: "File: SQL Access ManagerSQL error. Stmt #: 2 Error Position: 0 Return: 12154 - ORA-12154: Cannot connect to database. Cannot find alias CSFTO5 in [Répertoire d'installation du client]\instantclient_23_5\network\admin\tnsnames.ora and LDAP. Help:"). This file is available on the machine where PeopleSoft is installed under /opt/oracle/psft/db/tnsnames.ora. Here's a valid example of this file:
      CSFTO5 =
          (DESCRIPTION =
              (ADDRESS_LIST =
                  (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = localhost)(PORT = 1521))
              (CONNECT_DATA =
                  (SERVICE_NAME = CSFTO5)
  • Open any "Component Interface"
    • Select File > Open...
    • In "Definition", select "Component Interface"
    • In the “Name” field, enter "%" then press "Enter"
    • Double-click on any item in the list
  • Select Build > PeopleSoft Apis...
  • In the window that opens, select Build under Java, select All under Select APIs to build.
  • Note the Target Directory for Java classes that are built
  • Click OK to start.


    This operation can take a long time. Once the operation is complete, the message "Done" appears in the Build logs.

  • Compiling the library
    cd [Previously noted directory]
    javac -cp "[File path to psjoa.jar]" .\PeopleSoft\Generated\CompIntfc\*.java
    jar cf .\psft.jar .\PeopleSoft\Generated\CompIntfc\*.class