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Dynamics 365

The Dynamics 365 Connector enables data synchronization between Dynamics 365 and RAC/M Identity. To do this, the connector uses the Dynamics 365 Rest API.


The following parameters are required :

Application IDThe application ID displayed through the Azure AD portal in the registered application panel.
Endpoint resourceThe URL of the API to connect to.
Application Secret KeyThe secret key generated for your application. This key can be generated through the Azure AD portal in the Keys panel.
Access token endpointThe OAUTH 2.0 Token Endpoint. If none specified, default to'{client id}'/oauth2/token.

Other parameters can also be supplied to configure the connector.

Endpoint pathIt is added at the end of {apiEndPoint} when making the call to the servers. For example, it could be /api/data/v9.2. The default is /data.
Resource for testThe resource property used for tests. If not provided, 'Workers' will be used.
Connection Timeout in secondsConnection Timeout in seconds. Will be used as the Connection,Read and Write timeout.
Result page sizeResult page size when executing a GET request.
FilterGeneric Request filters.
Filter ProvisionsV2ProvisionsV2 Request filters.
Filter WorkersWorkers Request filters.
Filter OperatingUnitsOperatingUnits Request filters.
Filter PositionHierarchiesPositionHierarchies Request filters.
Filter EmploymentEmployment Request filters.
Use Prefer header for pagingIf true, it will use the OData Prefer header for paging instead of the top parameter.