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Export the server configuration file.


sfiler-cli [options] export-server-config [command options]
Command optionsRequired / OptionalDescription
-nRequiredThe instance Name.
-csRequiredA flag indicating if the Administrative Console must be started when the server starts.
-cssRequiredA flag indicating if the Administrative Console must be started in SSL.
-bsRequiredA flag indicating if the Batch Processes must be started when the server starts.
-cshcRequiredA flag indicating if the SNI Host Check must be activated for the Administrative Console.
-cscmmRequiredA value that determines how SSL/TLS ciphers are managed (possible values are: JVM_DEFAULT_CIPHERS, AUTOMATIC, CUSTOM). S-Filer maintains a list of strong ciphers that will evolve over time. The 'Automatic' mode allows to enable only the strong ciphers from this list. For some older clients, weaker ciphers may need to be enabled because they don't support any of the strong ones. The 'JVM Default' mode results in all ciphers present on the JVM to be enabled. For a more fine-grained control, the 'Custom' mode allows to specify all the ciphers that must be enabled in the 'Custom SSL/TLS ciphers' parameter.
-cscsOptionalA value indicating the list of SSL/TLS ciphers (separated by comma) that will be enabled if the cipher management mode is 'Custom'. WARNING: Some ciphers specified in this list may not be available depending on the key type of the SSL/TLS private key.
-cpRequiredPort number where the Administrative Console listens for incoming connection request.
-ckOptionalThe Keystore that will contain the Administrative Console Key Pair.
-ckpOptionalThe password used to open the Keystore.
-ckkaOptionalThe alias for the Key Pair to be used inside the Keystore.
-ccjpRequiredA flag indicating if the ClickJacking protection must be activated for the Administrative Console.
-chhsRequiredA flag indicating if the HSTS Header Support must be activated for the Administrative Console.
-chhsmaRequiredThe HSTS Header Support Max Age value (in seconds).
-uRequiredThe user to be used to connect to the database.
-pwRequiredThe password to be used to connect to the database.
-duRequiredThe complete URL for the database, including jdbc protocol parts.
-djdRequiredThe full package and class name of the JDBC driver to be used.
-ddRequiredThe Dialect to be used when communicating wit the database.
-dfsOptionalThe database fetch size.
-scfOptionalThe Server Configuration File where the configuration will be saved. If not provided, the file will be saved in the current folder using the default configuration file name (sfiler.conf).


./ -l my-user -p my-password -cf "conf/sfiler.conf" export-server-config