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Exports the content of a notification theme in a zip file. The base directory in the zip file corresponds to the notification theme id. This id is used when the theme is imported after being modified.


sfiler-cli [options] export-notification-theme [command options]
Command optionsRequired / OptionalDescription
-thRequiredThe name of the theme to be exported.
-odOptionalThe output directory where the generated file will be saved. If not provided, the file will be saved in the current folder.


./ -l my-user -p my-password -cf "conf/sfiler.conf" export-notification-theme -th "notification" -od "/tmp/theme"

This command will export the “notification” notification theme as a zip file in the /tmp/theme directory.

It will be possible to make modifications directly in the file structure and then re-import this theme later using the import-notification-theme command, taking care to specify the -th parameter to indicate the theme to be re-imported.