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S-Filer Config CLI : User Guide


The S-Filer Config CLI is a command-line utility that allows administrators to manage the configuration parameters of the S-Filer Portal solution.


The application requires authentication to access its functions. Once authenticated, users can create, modify or delete the application's various configuration parameters.

The application runs on Windows and Linux operating systems. Simply open a command console and execute the necessary commands. You can use the --help parameter to get help on the commands available.

Each command is made up of several options, some of which are used by all commands.

The general options are :

-lOptionalusername to use to perform the action.
-pOptionalThe password to authenticate.
-opOptionalThe obfuscated (hidden) password to authenticate.
-cfOptionalThe configuration file containing the database URL, driver and hibernate dialect. Can be overridden by the system property "sfiler.config.cli.config.file".
--dbUrlOptionalThe database URL to use to connect to the database.
--dbDriverOptionalThe database driver to use to connect to the database.
--dbHibernateDialectOptionalThe hibernate dialect to use to connect to the database.
-xOptionalA script file containing commands to run. Each line should be exactly as would be given on the command line except for the global options which shouldn't be specified.
-xcOptionalIf present, execution of the script will continue in case of error.

Obtaining help for a specific command

It is possible to obtain a list of parameters for a specific command. Simply use the “--help” option to obtain specific help. For example, for the “set-config” command:

./ --help set-config
Set Configuration
Usage: set-config [options]
      This config value is to be encrypted before storing in the database.
      Default: false
      Instance Id. (Optional if the instance Name is specify)
  * -k
      Instance Name. (Optional if the instance Id is specify)
  * -t
      Type 1:server 3:Gateway 4:Gui.
      Default: 0
  * -v
      New Value.

The JDBC drivers

The S-Filer Portal application supports the following database drivers:

  • Oracle : oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver
  • SQL Server :
  • MySQL : com.mysql.cj.jdbc.Driver
  • MariaDB : org.mariadb.jdbc.Driver

The Hibernate Dialects

The S-Filer Portal application supports the following Hibernate dialects:

  • Oracle : org.hibernate.dialect.Oracle10cDialect
  • SQL Server : org.hibernate.dialect.SQLServer2012Dialect
  • MySQL : org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5Dialect
  • MariaDB : org.hibernate.dialect.MySQL5InnoDBDialect


The S-Filer Config CLI supports the following commands :