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Configuring OpenID Connect with Salesforce

This guide describes the steps necessary to use Salesforce as an Identity Provider for S-Filer Portal. You need to be administrator of your Salesforce instance to configure OpenID Connect.

Step 1 - Connect to the Salesforce console

  • Log in to your Salesforce console
    • The URL varies depending on the environment

Step 2 - Create a new "Connected App"

  • Select App Manager from the left hand menu


  • Click on New Connected App


  • Enter a Connected App Name, it should be any name that allows you to recognize that it is related to S-Filer Portal
  • Enter an API Name, only letters and numbers are allowed with lots of restrictions (e.g SFILER)
  • Enter a Contact Email

Step 3 - Configure OpenID Connect settings

  • Select Enable OAuth Settings


  • In Callback URL, enter the domain name of S-Filer Portal followed by /sfiler/LoginOpenIdConnectCallback.action as the "redirect URI"
    • Ex: https://[YOUR.SFILER-DOMAIN.COM]/sfiler/LoginOpenIdConnectCallback.action
    • This URL comes from the environment on which S-Filer Portal is running
    • It should be a public URL that is accessible to users who want to use the OpenID Connect functionality
  • In Selected OAuth Scopes, select the following scopes:
    • Access the identity URL service (id, profile, email, address, phone)
    • Access unique user identifiers (openid)
  • Remove the check from Require Proof Key for Code Exchange (PKCE) Extension for Supported Authorization Flows
  • Click Save

Step 4 - Retrieve information to configure S-Filer Portal

  • Select App Manager from the left hand menu


  • Find the application using the name you specified in step 2
  • Click on the triangle menu on the right of this application
  • Click on View


  • Click on Manage Consumer Details


  • A new browser window opens asking to verify the identity by entering a code sent to your email address
  • After verification, the Consumer Details are shown


  • These information will be required in step 3 of the S-Filer Portal configuration
  • Copy the Consumer Key, it is the Client Identifier in S-Filer Portal
  • Copy the Consumer Secret, it is the Client Secret in S-Filer Portal
  • For Salesforce, the Metadata URL is constructed as follows: https://[YOUR SALESFORCE DOMAIN]/.well-known/openid-configuration

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