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This manual lists all the configurations that the S-Filer Portal's Configuration CLI can change about the GUI.

Configuration keyDescriptionDefault value
(Since 4.1.4)
URL used by web client for the communication with the server, e.g., http://localhost:8088/ or
(Since 4.8.3)
If you enable this property, S-Filer Portal will set values in the html header's metadata for X-Frame-Options and Content-Security-Policy. If you intend to use the Outlook Add-In, this must be turned off since Outlook uses iframes to display add-ins.true
(Since 3.0.3)
Default language used by the Web Client.
(Since 4.10.0)
When this option is activated, the fields in the login page won't use the auto-completion feature.false
(Since 4.8.3)
This indicates whether HSTS headers should be added in responses. When it is active, browsers will only connect to pages on the same sub-domain in HTTPS. Activate this unless other pages served under the same sub-domain are unsecured (HTTP instead of HTTPS). For example, if S-Filer is served from domain and there are no other pages in this domain, you can activate this feature. However, if S-Filer is hosted at and there is another site located at which is served in HTTP instead of HTTPS, then do NOT activate this feature since the other website will become inaccessible.true
(Since 4.8.3)
This indicates the time during which the browsers will remember to only use HTTPs for the site (in seconds). Put in a small value at first such that if there is a mistake (or another site that is using HTTP and is not working), you can disable the HSTS and after some time, clients will be able to access the site in HTTP. If after initial deployment there are no errors, you can increase this value to a very long time.3600
(Since 4.3.0)
Display the community's defining value as the name instead of the description in the tree. [Yes] will use the 'name' as the label, [No] will show the description instead1
(Since 4.8.0)
Whether this interface will trust a third party application to do the authentication of the user and recover the identity of the authenticated user in the headers. WARNING: Enabling this has serious security implications, when enabled, make sure that only trusted clients can make requests to this web interface. Typically, this is done by installing an authenticating reverse proxy on the same server as this web interface and using the server firewall to allow access to the web interface port only for localhost to ensure that all requests go through the authenticating proxy.false
(Since 4.8.0)
The name of the HTTP request header in which the web interface will recover the authenticated user domain ID when performing delegated authentication. The content of the header must be an integer.SFILER_DOMAIN
(Since 4.16.0)
The name of the HTTP request header in which the web interface will recover the authenticated user email when performing delegated authentication. The encoding of the email must be ISO-8859-1.SFILER_REMOTE_EMAIL
(Since 4.16.0)
The name of the HTTP request header in which the web interface will recover the authenticated user full name when performing delegated authentication. The encoding of the full name must be ISO-8859-1.SFILER_REMOTE_FULLNAME
(Since 4.8.0)
The name of the HTTP request header in which the web interface will recover the authenticated username when performing delegated authentication. The encoding of the username must be ISO-8859-1.SFILER_REMOTE_USER
(Since 4.14.0)
This parameter determines the Quick Send operation mode. In HTTP mode, the link available in the e-mail notifications will immediately trigger the file transfer, unless the file is protected by a password. In END-TO-END mode, an HTML page will be displayed to the user and will allow the file transfer with end-to-end encryption.HTTP
(Since 4.2.2)
Set the bottom logo to be a link to Okiok's website.true
(Since 4.2.1)
This is the title that will be displayed in the tab of the web browser. For older browser, this is the title that will be displayed in the top title bar.S-Filer Portal
(Since 4.4.0)
Whether to allow users to use the "Share file" feature. This feature enables users to create "shares" in which they can invite other users to participate using their email address.false
(Since 4.2.2)
This is the title that will be displayed at the top of the tree.S-Filer Portal
(Since 4.2.292)
Whether system administrators are allowed to authenticate in this web interface. If you have multiple web interfaces, you may want to disallow administrators from logging in to web interfaces exposed on the internet.true
(Since 3.0.3)
This is the number of seconds before the configuration refreshed itself again.3600
(Since 4.0.6)
This field indicates if the Extension option will be displayed in the tree view.false
(Since 4.1.0)
This field indicates if the Web Client needs to include an Acknowledgment page. This page will be presented after each successful authentication.false
(Since 4.1.2)
This is the folder containing the HTML text that will be printed as acknowledgment. This folder is expected to contain sub folders based on languages. These language folders are expected to contain files named acknowledgment.html. Example for the English and French folder structure, we would see: [this field's path]/en/acknowledgment.html and [this field's path]/fr/acknowledgment.html
(Since 3.0.3)
Whether to allow users to use the "Quick Send" feature. This feature enables sending files to a user using his email address.false
(Since 4.0.1)
Whether the web interface will prompt the user to accept the license agreement before using the application. The license agreement only needs to be accepted once.false
(Since 4.0.1)
This is the folder containing the HTML text that will be printed as License Agreement. This folder is expected to contain sub folders based on languages. These language folders are expected to contain files named license.html. Example for the English and French folder structure, we would see: [this field's path]/en/license.html and [this field's path]/fr/license.htmlS-Filer License
(Since 4.1.0)
When enabled, the login page doesn't allow users to login, instead it displays a message indicating a maintenance is in progress.false
(Since 2.1.0)
When enabled, users of this web interface can login to any domain (AD, LDAP) defined in the system. A dropdown is displayed on the login page to allow them to select which authentication domain to use. When disabled, users can only login to the default domain which represents accounts created in the S-Filer database.false
(Since 3.0.3)
With modern browsers, end-to-end encryption is automatically used to perform uploads and downloads and HTTPS is only used as a fallback if end-to-end encryption is not possible. Without this feature, transfers will not be possible if the browser does not support end-to-end-encryption.false
(Since 2.1.0)
Log level used for the local log file.INFO
(Since 4.0.6)
This is the maximum number of items displayed in a list box.50
(Since 3.0.3)
Set the S-Filer Portal web interface cookies to be secured (sent only over HTTPS). Activate this unless the application is served in HTTP unsecured (strongly discouraged in a production environment).false
(Since 4.16.0)
This option will make the error message displayed after a bad authentication simple and generic. It will not contain any specific information about the reason for the authentication failure. This prevents potential enumeration of existing users of the solution.false/
(Since 3.0.3)
This is the default theme displayed to users of this web interface. Users can have groups which override the default theme.sfiler
(Since 4.20.2)
When uploading, the browser splits the file in blocks that are sent sequentially in separate requests to the Web Interface. This parameter determines the size of these blocks in megabytes. A larger block size generally speeds up uploading, as fewer requests are needed, but each request has to send more data and can therefore be blocked (by a firewall, for example). A smaller block size requires more requests, but each one sends fewer data. Note that when uploading a file using end-to-end encryption in a community for which the compression profile is set to 'ZIP', the block size is limited to 2 MB for performance reasons, regardless of the value of this parameter.10