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Azure Blob Storage

This manual lists all the configurations that the S-Filer Portal's Configuration CLI can change about the Azure Blob Storage.

You can changes these configurations using the modify-azure-blob-storage command

    modify-azure-blob-storage      Modify the Azure blob storage with the 
            configuration specified
      Usage: modify-azure-blob-storage [options]
            The Azure Blob storage container name.
            The Azure Blob storage connection string.
            The Azure Blob storage description.
            The force update (skip warnings and optional validations).
            Default: false
        * -n
            The Azure Blob storage name.
            The Azure Blob storage new name.
            The Azure Blob storage status.
            Possible Values: [ACTIVE, INACTIVE, PASSIVE]
Configuration keyDescriptionDefault value
(Since 4.18.0)
Connection String used to connect to the host.
(Since 4.18.0)
Container name (must exist on the host)