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Configuration in S-Filer Portal

SMS service configuration in S-Filer Portal is carried out via the Administrative Console and applies only to on-premises instances. If you are using a SaaS instance, you are required to send the SMS service configuration information to the S-Filer Portal support team. The support team will configure the SMS service for you.

For on-site instances, SMS service configuration is performed via the administrative console. To do this, follow these steps:

Log in to the S-Filer Portal administrative console using your browser and login details. Use the link in the top left-hand corner of the page to access the SMS service configuration page.


Clicking on the link takes you to the list of SMS instances. Multiple SMS instances can be configured. To do so, click on the Add button to add a new SMS instance. By clicking on the Add button, a screen will appear, allowing you to select the type of SMS to be created.


The S-Filer Portal solution lets you configure multiple SMS providers. The default SMS is the instance that will be used when sending SMS messages.

Each SMS mode requires specific information to be configured. However, there is information common to all SMS modes. These are as follows :

SMS Service Name- This is display information only.
Description- It is for information purposes only, for use by solution administrators.
- This information only appears in the administrative console.
StatusThere are two different statuses:
- ACTIVE: This means that the SMS is available and ready to be used.
- INACTIVE: This means that the SMS is not available and cannot be used.
DefaultThis flag indicates that SMS is the instance currently in use. The default SMS service must be ACTIVE.

Twilio configuration

Twilio SMS service configuration requires the following information:

  1. The telephone number provided by Twilio
  2. Account SID
  3. Authentication token

Use the Test Access button to validate the SMS configuration. In the event of failure, you can consult the logs of the administrative console to obtain more information about the error. about the error.

Once configuration is complete, click on the Test Access button to validate that the parameters entered are correct. If validation is successful, you can apply the status ” Active” status and click on the Update button to save the SMS configuration. Once the configuration has been saved, the SMS will be available.

Azure Communication Service configuration

Azure communication service configuration requires the following information:

  1. The phone number provided by Azure
  2. The communication service endpoint
  3. The access key

Use the Test Access button to validate the SMS configuration. In the event of failure, you can consult the logs of the administrative console to obtain more information about the error. about the error.

Once configuration is complete, click on the Test Access button to validate that the parameters entered are correct. If validation is successful, you can apply the status ” Active” status and click on the Update button to save the SMS configuration. Once the configuration has been saved, the SMS will be available.

AWS S3 configuration

AWS SNS SMS configuration requires the following information:

  1. Access key identifier
  2. The secret access key
  3. Region

Use the Test Access button to validate the SMS configuration. In the event of failure, you can consult the logs of the administrative console to obtain more information about the error. about the error.

Once configuration is complete, click on the Test Access button to validate that the parameters entered are correct. If validation is successful, you can apply the status ” Active” status and click on the Update button to save the SMS configuration. Once the configuration has been saved, the SMS will be available.