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For on-site instances, features are managed via the administrative console, in the Features section.

Features Management


Each new version of S-Filer Portal may include new features or modifications to existing ones. These features can be activated or deactivated disabled as required. A feature that is not activated will cause the platform to behave as in a previous version. By default, all features are disabled and must be activated manually by an administrator using the web console (called Configurator) or the S-Filer Config CLI with the command update-feature-flag. Activating or deactivating a feature does not require a server restart. However, a 5-minute delay is required for changes to take effect.

In future versions of S-Filer Portal, these features will no longer be considered new and will be activated by default.

Deactivating a feature

It is strongly recommended not to deactivate a feature without understanding its implications. Disabling a feature may lead to compatibility problems such as errors or irreversible loss of data.