S-Filer/Portal v4.7.2 Released
Okiok is releasing version 4.7.2 of S-Filer/Portal™. This bugfix release fixes 1 issue. Batch jobs (long running processes which are ususally scheduled during the night) would use a single [...]
Okiok is releasing version 4.7.2 of S-Filer/Portal™. This bugfix release fixes 1 issue. Batch jobs (long running processes which are ususally scheduled during the night) would use a single [...]
Montreal, August 31st, 2016. With the multiplication of cyber-attacks reported in the news and popular TV series like Mr. Robot, which I strongly recommend watching, we can safely say that [...]
Today Okiok is releasing version 4.7.1 of S-Filer/Portal™. This bugfix release fixes 1 issue. Some browsers would fail to upload files silently when a user with a french profile performed [...]
Studying the global trends of information security, throughout the last decade, shows a continuous raise of cyberattack’s frequency, severity and impacts. In 2015, the number of detected [...]
Montreal, February 5th, 2016. The BYOR series, stands for Bring Your Own Risk and are aimed at providing a repository of multiple articles related to the trends and domains of information [...]
JSP File Upload Remote Code Execution using PowerShell Empire During a penetration test on a Web application, we have found a file upload functionality. File uploads are always interesting for a [...]
As previously mentioned in another blogpost, we live in a world where everything is becoming virtual and where digital evidence is happening to be more and more present and intricate. The rapid [...]
Congratulations to the OKIOK team who won top honors at the NSEC 2014, the most prestigious and largest on site « Capture The Flag” competition in North America. The team came in first place with [...]
We recently did a phishing campaign for a large client. One major difference between phishing and regular penetration testing is that instead of testing IT equipment, software and/or [...]
Another round of the Hacking for Beer contest. This time, the plan was to send an email that will trigger an authentication request back to my machine and have my machine forward connections to [...]